画面の端にマウスカーソルが来ると反対側に移動するLaunchdAgent v3.0.2 for Mac

LoopCursor_mini v3.0.2


  • シンプルな実装
  • 反対側に飛ぶ際の滑らかさを軽視し、通常使用時のCPU使用率を重視している
LoopCursor_mini version 3.0.2
The mouse cursor appear in the reverse edge.
(exclude a corner of screen. main monitor only.)

CommandLine options.
-t       : enable the Top edge.
-b       : enable the Bottom edge.
-l       : enable the Left edge.
-r       : enable the Right edge.
-c pixel : set the valid region of top-left corner.
-d pixel : set the valid region of top-right corner.
-e pixel : set the valid region of bottom-right corner.
-f pixel : set the valid region of bottom-left corner.
-s       : the Special setting.
           '-s' has priority over other options.
           enable the left and right edge,
           and if the mouse cursor goes into the edge with an acute angle,
           it will fly to the diagonal direction on the reverse edge.

ex) LoopCursor_mini -tblr -c 30 -d 30 -e 30 -f 30
    All edges are enabled,
    and the valid region of all corner  are set to 30 pixels.

ex) LoopCursor_mini -tbs
    The special setting is enabled.
    equal to 'LoopCursor_mini -s'.

作成環境 :Xcode 3.1.1
使用framework:Foundation(+CoreFoundation), ApplicationServices
使用言語 :Objective-C, C

ビルドアーキテクチャMac OS X 10.5 Leopard 32/64-bit Universal


特別付録:Mac OS X 10.4 用Universal